Tuesday, February 24, 2009

new in nyc

i am officially a new fish in the pond.

everyone in this city is so scared due to the economy. should i really be worried too? obama has a plan right? that is why i voted for him. i just want to enjoy myself in this wonderful city.

i have noticed the typical new yorkers.. not the entire spectrum but a select few.
1. the old angry new yorker
2. the old man or woman that yells and talks to no one.
3. the angry gay man
4. the happy cheerful gay man
5. the girls that are all dressed to the nines and you wonder to yourself, "what in the world do you do for your occupation."
6. the mother with her child or children... whose significant other is at work

i know i am being stereotypical but i have only been exploring the west village and chelsea. :)
i look forward to all of the exciting, different people i will eventually encounter.